Composition Institute
June 9-15, 2024
Princeton, New Jersey
Spend A Week Studying Composition
with Sir James MacMillan
The Composition Institute of the Catholic Sacred Music Project is a unique intensive event for both emerging and established composers to study the craft of composing sacred music with world renowned composers in order to cultivate new compositions to add to the Church's treasury of sacred music. Composers selected for the 2024 Composition Institute will have the opportunity to study with Sir James MacMillan in a retreat-like environment in the walkable historic town of Princeton, New Jersey, and to have their works recorded and performed by a professional choir at the Princeton Theological Seminary Chapel on Saturday, June 15.
Co-sponsored by

"I found myself being renewed in hope at meeting so many young musicians aspiring to serve our Church. And I was musically nourished through the incredible opportunity to meet and learn from Sir James MacMillan… I will certainly be attending again!"
— Colton Martin, 2021 Choral Festival Participant
Should I apply?
All composers eighteen years old and older are welcome and encouraged to apply. This program is designed to cultivate aspiring composers and support established composers in their work. Please don’t not apply because you are afraid you won’t get in. You definitely won’t get in if you don’t apply!
Do I have to be Catholic to attend?
No, applicants do not need to be Catholic to attend the event. Those desiring to attend the event should be respectful of the Catholic Church and willing to contribute to her musical patrimony through their compositions at the Composition Institute.
Where will the composers stay and where will they work?
Housing will be provided for the composers in on-campus housing at Princeton University where they can walk around and compose in the historic downtown, in practice rooms with keyboards, or along the trails of Lake Carnegie.
What will be the schedule for the week?
The week will begin the evening of June 9 and conclude at 3pm on June 15 at the Princeton Theological Seminary Chapel. During the week, the composers will having private composition lessons with Sir James, group workshops, daily Mass and Vespers, and time for composing.
I have more questions…
Please email any questions you have to Peter Carter at catholicsmp@gmail.com