Conducting Institute

August 9-12, 2023
Princeton, New Jersey

Study Choral Conducting at Princeton University with Master Pedagoges James Jordan and Timothy McDonnell

The Catholic Sacred Music Project is excited to announce its 2nd Conducting Institute for August of 2023.  The CSMP Conducting Institute offers emerging and established conductors a singular environment that balances instruction, study, prayer, and conviviality in an atmosphere of collegial support and encouragement.  This unique and exceptional training opportunity will be hosted on the beautiful campus of Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey. 

Eight Conducting Fellows will receive premium podium experience at the helm of a 16-voice professional choir along with hands-on instruction from master pedagogues Dr. James Jordan and Dr. Timothy McDonnell.  The music list for the Conducting Institute will represent various genres of sacred music drawn from classic and contemporary choral repertories, Gregorian chant, and traditional hymnody.  Each day’s workshop sessions will be punctuated by sung Mass and Compline, with service music conducted by Conducting Fellows and Conducting Auditors.  The Conducting Institute will conclude with a public concert at the Princeton University Chapel on Saturday, August 12, at noon.

The CSMP welcomes all applications for fellows and auditors by July 1, 2023. Conducting Fellow applicants must submit a video audition.

Repertoire will be confirmed and assigned to the conducting fellows and auditors based on experience and aptitude after registration closes.

"I found myself being renewed in hope at meeting so many young musicians aspiring to serve our Church. And I was musically nourished through the incredible opportunity to meet and learn from Sir James MacMillan… I will certainly be attending again!"

— Colton Martin, 2021 Choral Festival Participant